Get involved

We offer multiple pathways for individuals, organizations, and partners to engage with and support our mission of transforming the way we think about the built environment. Whether you are an expert in the field, a concerned community member, or a corporate or philanthropic entity looking to make a meaningful impact, there's a place for you in this project.

  • Our Data Partners are professional bodies from across the sector (and beyond) who support the project through providing relevant data from their membership and activities.

  • We draw on the skills of universities, think-tanks, or other research-based agencies who serve as Research Partners and support the project through their research and analysis capacities.

  • Action partners are organisations who are willing to adopt and experiment project objectives and guidelines as part of their activities and feed quantitative and qualitative results back into the project.

  • The Learning Community is made up of individuals and organisations who are interested in developing and promoting built environment literacy locally. With multiple tiers of participation (Institutional, Professional, Student), it is core to the goal of achieving collective, systemic change. It provides an active space for the sharing of knowledge across boundaries to happen organically, for fostering distributed leadership, and for scaling implementation and innovation.

  • We are only able to achieve our objectives with the generous support of corporate and philanthropic partners. Their financial support helps us expand our reach, develop essential resources, and foster knowledge sharing.